為您獻上還在感冒不敢亂出門,吃了藥身體軟趴趴但是聽了 這mixer會活起來的funk saturday quick mix. only 16 minutes! you can just repeat and repeat....
Dj Pharoah (from France) - Funky Saturday mix 點此下載
the track lists are not available now.sorry....
listen hard and live hard
來自德國的First Touch成軍於2002年,由兩位男生Nanthara Vorabouth 和 Zeljko ’Jelly Jam’ Pijuk Schmitt 組成,因為喜好相同 (80's funk, boogie, jazz, rare groove, soulful music)而成立,Highsteppin Records為其唱片公司!
滿推薦highsteppin,旗下其他藝人口味都很合。fresh boogie and funk 不失原味又創新。官網有很多EP&remixes供下載聆聽,連First Touch首張LP"First Touch"都有喔!!
能被選為重唱John Coltrane [Naima]
"Music has been my biggest healer throughout my life.......I am able to live more because of it."
EP: voice of reason 德國獨立廠牌UpMyAlley發行
1. Baggage For Sale
2. Alailoye
3. Purple Haze
4. Baggage For Sale (Instrumental)
5. Alaloiye (Instrumental)
獨立廠牌UpMyAlley @德國科隆 http://www.upmyalley.net/
凱西廢話: 雖是低成本MV,但取景棒! sunshine, sunshine, sunshine.......
here I present you the song from movie of BLUE CRUSH (碧海嬌娃), a film about surf girls and their passion. ain't nobody can deny it! 都看不膩! 原聲帶很值得購買喔! (試聽: http://music.barnesandnoble.com/Blue-Crush/e/724381317228)