星期日, 11月 29, 2009

DJ Rasta Root: The Rest of Dilla Vol. 1 (The Dillamentary)

DJ Rasta Root (Canada)帶來的J Dilla mixtape,影片中也提到Jdilla對他的影響,值得收藏聆聽


DJ Rasta Root 介紹

[track] 80s rocks..

nice Sunday morning, chit-chat with friends and enjoy the sunshine..

星期五, 11月 27, 2009


新生代的nu soul,09年最佳合輯,讓人心都融化了。說再多都沒有用, let the music lead you.....

for more nu soul info:

星期二, 11月 24, 2009


火烤二吃吃到飽一人 $ 219
啥? 不收服務費
啥? 老闆是一個阿桑
啥? 只有一個店員, 就是阿桑 (很忙時對面的阿姨會來幫忙)
啥? 網路上風評不好, 聽你在放屁
啥? 老闆娘東西補很慢? 聽你在放屁,阿桑意外的親切
啥? 你覺得不好吃~~~靠,你到底懂不懂的人情味阿

就在恆春省北路上 全家與7-11交叉口巷子你會發現一家很傳統的火鍋店,還是吃到飽不收服務費的喔。老板是一個阿桑,店內大桌二桌、小桌四桌,就在寒冷的那幾天店內擠滿了客人,都是來靠食物慰藉這寒冬的"當地人"。是的,深受當地人喜愛的富友火鍋店,不同於一般都市的開放式冷藏櫃。用的是傳統的飲料冰箱。食材除了基本火鍋料,肉類,我覺得最令人讚賞的是"乾淨的蔬菜'。一向愛青菜的我,看到這喜的乾淨的青菜根本是殺紅了眼。猛夾茼蒿、空心菜、高麗菜還有白菜,一口一口下肚滿意程度可以從隔天的排泄物知道,多吃蔬菜還是有助腸胃健康喔!



果不其然,火烤二吃是好的選擇,因為~~~我們用空心菜 + 羊肉 做了好吃的沙茶羊肉空心菜
凱西用 蔥+蛋+辣油+醬油 做了大家興奮亂跳的炒蛋~~是最搶手的一盤


下菜夾菜 從沒那麼忙的火鍋聚會
在溫馨的小美冰淇淋 花生、巧克力、芋頭、草莓任你選的甜點攻勢下
大家終於屈服了 我飽了

謝謝阿桑的招待 還有那免費續壺的冬瓜茶

吃吃吃吃 吃吃吃吃 趕去快
再說不好 是你不夠融入 切~~~~

吃飽喝足的大家 照片請點此


一邊聽著電視傳來的電視 call in深受婆婆媽媽叔叔伯伯喜愛的卡拉OK


我相信 真的
每天起床總是期待今天是大藍天大白雲 是個大太陽 又是個踏青好時光
然後 就期待今天的夕陽 來決定~~~該去哪個點

難得的機會 在車上隨意拍下的夕陽


墾丁的多面貌 你怎麼也料不到~~~~~~~~~~~~~

你說說 你說說 這張是不是很有旅行的感覺

採花賊 抓到囉!!





來墾丁除了後壁湖吃海鮮 紅柴坑、山海漁港 都是不錯選擇喔
五點多與朋友來到紅柴坑漁港 (聽說海角七號在這裡也是有取景喔?!)
這天的天氣在連續吹了三天強大的落山風之後 終於恢復平靜 天氣異常的好
風很舒服 不熱暖暖的
夕陽很美 港口很安靜 釣魚人靜靜的等待魚兒上鉤

說好了 下次來要帶酒跟下酒菜 把墾丁回憶填滿滿

more photo:

Janet Jackson重回80?? (1:20)

baby, can you move
make me groove
show me what you do,
make me move

don't stop it, baby
don't stop til it get enough

love the sexy female vocal

jUsTin beatbox (02:42....bring the beat back)

or it's just for MJ (1:20) 時間點剛剛好
在小宋挖到的off the wall LP翻低價讓我興奮許久



星期日, 11月 22, 2009

Brick - Ain't Gonna Hurt Nobody

be sure to check another mellow song " i just want you to know (that i'm in love with you)"

Reggie Calloway - Bring Back The Love

bring back the love
bring back the passion
bring back the joy
let's get back to love
baby, let's just get back to love

星期五, 11月 20, 2009

the ladies man戀人大情聖

interesting, funny and great music....

the opening song....

欖仁溪 X 美麗夕陽

禮拜四不知何故的成了大家約走戶外的好時機。今天來到滿州的欖仁溪,來往扣掉路程整個溯溪大約需要一小時吧!如果想游泳的可以停留更久,只是這季節記得挑選各大太陽天來不然可是會感冒喔! 可惜~~在這拍的照片都失敗了~下次在去玩再補上

這人字型顯然是告訴我,玩的不夠兇 (下水次數應該隨著喝酒次數成正比才對)

很喜歡的夕陽! 在車上隨意拍

更多照片請來我的facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/album.php?aid=172446&id=733704250&ref=nf

Taiwan can shake that boo too (0:45!!!)


差不多先生大概是熱狗最能讓我接受的專輯吧! (有那麼點水準?!)


星期三, 11月 18, 2009

i miss the 80s funk

the most popular song of BLACK WHITE & CO

when it comes to boogie, what do you think of?


Roll Bounce(黑輪五虎將)必看,音樂很棒

星期一, 11月 16, 2009


挖唱片應該是很多音樂愛好者最喜歡樂趣,韓籍美裔製作人the seOUL avengeR帶來了他的韓國挖寶紀實,如果你有去韓國,去看看吧。 原文出於此處

Traditional Korean Vinylby Joyce Cho (soon to be a Chung muhahahah )

What I learned from this trip to Seoul and buying vintage records: you need a functional command of the language, and you'd better be a Korean national or be in good with someone who is, otherwise you're stuck buying from high-priced brokers at the few remaining stores in Seoul.

Bootlegging is a Korean tradition that goes way back and it's not enough to go by the cover art; you have to be careful and read the track listings as a lot of albums look similar or the same. And naturally almost everything is in hangul.

With the recent decision to allow non-Latin alphabets be used for website addresses, it could become even more difficult for outsiders to access these works of art. Someone made a good comparison somewhere of this being a sort of modern-day reiteration of the Hermit Kingdom thang.

The first store I went to was promising; we'd been communicating via email over a few months and had told the owner that I was going to be in Seoul for a few weeks.

The store was right in the middle of one of Seoul's many underground shopping arcades. Upon meeting the owner/manager, I could see a game of "go" on his computer screen. "Oh yeah, I got your email but I've been really busy and haven't had a chance to respond," he said as he IMed his friends and moved his chess pieces on the screen. "But here are the prices for some of these records. Most of them won't be easy to find."

I came back a few days later and combed through their small kayo section. Most of the records were quite old and more in the Japanese or ballad styles. There was nothing under $100.

But I spotted another, tiny record shop displaying some Kim Jungmi albums. It was closed, but I figured I'd try to call the owner. He said he was on his way and would be there in 30 minutes.

This guy was really nice, knowledgeable, and his store was very neat and well organized (this isn't a pic of his store btw). Over the course of about 30-45 minutes he gave me a brief history of Korean vinyl that went something like this:

Re: rarity of recordsIn postwar Korea through the 1980s the quality of life here was very poor. People didn't have the money to own their own turntables at home so they would go to the dabang (tea house) or coffee shops and listen to records there. Well naturally these records would get played over and over and wound up getting damaged, worn out, and eventually thrown away.

With artists like Shin Jung Hyon who got busted for smoking marijuana the authorities under military dictator Park Chung-hee actually seized as many copies of his albums as they could gather and destroyed them or scratched them to render them unusable. For a while listening to or buying his music was against the law.

Re: prices of the records todayIn the beginning, it was the Japanese. They came here to buy records and Koreans said, "10,000 won [$10] please" and the Japanese bought without hesitation. After awhile it became "100,000 won [$100] please" and they still didn't flinch. And now it's "1 million won please" and the records still sell.

As a result, it's very likely that most of the world's Korean kayo records are in Japan. Koreans had originally thought that it was the guitar parts of these Korean psychadelic rock bands that was what caught Japanese kids' ears, but it turned out it was the DRUMMING.

Now there are people buying these records not just from Japan but New York, Europe, and South America. These record prices are small change for them.

But there's still the element of a group of Koreans who are holding on to their records, expecting the prices of them to continually climb. They have them, but they're not letting them go.

Well to all those ajusshis that tried to hustle me--you gotta be out of your head if you think another Korean is gonna abide by your Waygook prices! The Cheap Gene is within us all!

These are coming back with me to Cali! (Except for the Kim Jungmi, that stuff is damn near impossible to find. And the Psychadelic Xmas. But I will find them one day!)

This couldn't have been done without the help of my cousin and his wife btw thanks Unni and Oppa!

星期日, 11月 15, 2009

害我被罵宅女的影集: lipstick jungle

趁著落山風在家努力當起了宅女,看完了很棒的美國影集: lipstick jungle (口紅森林)。原來它跟sex and the city是同作者(Candace Bushnell),都是小書改編的影集。不過相較於SATC,lipstick jungle更注重的是全體面,而不只是單一的性話題

故事主體圍繞在三位女主角,有電影公司製作人Wendy、雜誌高階主管Nico 、服裝設計師Victory 以及她們的男人。(我又偷懶攬的寫了,已經有人寫了很好的分析,請看)

當然,一部好的影集除了劇情要夠好,(至少結局不要像L WORD那樣令我們錯愕)、演員要夠優,再來就是配樂,它是唯一讓我想再看第二次的原因,畢竟聽著音樂可以回想劇情,思考許多。


Brooke Shields(May 31, 1965) as Wendy Healy有沒有覺得她很熟悉?!沒錯,她就是藍色珊瑚礁裡面那個小女孩,好高喔她!劇中飾演電影公司製作人的她,是擁有二位小孩以及一味體貼丈夫Shane的幸福女人,溫柔的個性是我第二喜歡的腳色!
Lindsay Price (December 6, 1976)as Victory Ford服裝設計師,韓德混血好漂亮喔!Victory俏皮的個性又很性感,是我最喜歡的腳色,與億萬富豪Joe的戀情真是讓人替她捏把汗,不過幸好結局是棒的。她真的很漂亮

Kim Raver (March 15, 1969)as Nico Reilly任職Bonfire雜誌總編輯。個性理性的她卻因感情而變的慌張,先是與她的教授Charles結婚,婚後十七年發現彼此不在熟悉,偶然的Kirby介入讓她失去自我卻也重新找回幸福。幸好深愛她的Kirby(擁有種馬級身材!)一直不願放棄對她的愛情,當然也是好結局,那一幕害我都想哭了

我想說,每一對都好配好配。(靠,害我想在冬天找個人來愛)。我喜歡Wendy & Shane那種彼此關心珍惜的婚姻、我喜歡Vic & Joe、我喜歡Nico & Kirby即使相差十幾歲卻也能相愛的珍貴愛情,好多好多都讓我好喜歡這一部,改天再來看第二次

and, how can we miss the lipstick jungle read my lips song: BitterSweet - The Bomb

星期五, 11月 13, 2009

another drunk night in KENTING



又醉了 我喜歡紅酒!!!

星期四, 11月 12, 2009

that booty can shake..

oh my god.....look at that booty

星期二, 11月 10, 2009

eastside LB




R Kelly's tribute for MJ (2:20!!! is that MJ?)

“Don’t say goodbye to me, there is no need to
Don’t say goodbye to me, ’cause I’m still with you,”

another hit i do adore!! Tyres shows...

星期一, 11月 09, 2009

i'm NOT a flirt

I'm A, I'm A, I'm A, I'm A Flirt
Soon As I See Her Walk Up In The Club (I'm A Flirt)
Winkin Her Eyes At Me, When I Roll Up On Them Dubs (I'm A Flirt)
Sometimes When I'm With My Chick On The Low (I'm A Flirt)
And When She's Wit Her Man Lookin At Me, Damn Right (I'm A Flirt)
So Homie Don't Bring Your Girl To Meet Me Cuz (I'm A Flirt)
And Baby Don't Bring Your Girlfriend To Eat Cuz (I'm A Flirt)
Please Believe It, Unless Your Game Is Tight And U Trust Her Then Don't Bring Her Around Me Cuz (I'm A Flirt)
When I, When I, When I,When I Pull Up To Club All The Shawties Be Like (Damn 28's)
Then I Be LIke Girl U Know Just Who I Am (Don't Hate)
Say I Done Fell In Love Wit A Stripper Yall
All I Do Is Flirt With Her, And I Get Them Draws
And I Don't Need No Help, I Got It Down Pact
Teddy Paine Was Born To Flirt Now U Can't Down That Now
I'm Flirt With Her Whether I'm In Or Out Of Town
That's Why They Call Me Teddy Pend Her Ass Down
I be like como se llama, lil mama mi llamo Pain,
What Is Yo Name
I'm Feelin Yo Vibe And I'm Hopin U Feel The Same
I'm A Wink My Eye And Let U Know I Got The Game
When I Pass By I Know Exactly What U Say
He's So Fly And He's So Coo
Hey Shawty(Hey Shawty)
What It Do He Mad Cuz I'm Lookin But I Already Fucked Her
I Got These Niggas Mad Cuz (I'm A Flirt)

two movies from MANDY MORE

one of my favorite actress. 我喜歡她有肉的屁股

because i said so 老娘說了算 (看四遍還是很喜歡)
官網 http://www.becauseisaidsomovie.com/main.html

license to wed 結婚糾察隊

星期日, 11月 08, 2009

love come down

just another good disco hit
baby, you make my love come down
ooh, you make my love come down
make it come all the way down
you make my love come down
baby you make my love comedown
ooh, you make my love comedown

星期六, 11月 07, 2009


之前的the light

Potential - JsouL, Eric Roberson, Substantial



Zo! - ...just visiting too (二修版)

producer/musician ZO!將部分老歌以自己風格重新混音,再邀請幾位 foreign exchange固定班底演唱。good combination,很舒服! 09年下半年度最佳mixtape5之一


1. Perfect Angel feat. Yahzarah Minnie Reperton
2. Nights Over Egypt feat. Carlitta Durand The Jones Girls
3. Crazy You feat. Sy Smith Prince
4. Holding You, Loving You (instrumental) Don Blackman
5. My Flame feat. Phonte Bobby Caldwell
6. Somethin Special feat. Yahzarah Quincy Jones& Patti Justin
7. The Highways of My Life (Pts. 1&2) feat. Darien Brockington The Isley Brothers


"Perfect Angel" (feat. Yahzarah)
When I first heard that Yahzarah was re-doing the classic '74 Minnie Riperton track written by Stevie Wonder - OOPS! Freudian typo slip. I mean, when I heard that Yahzarah was coming out with a hot new single for the young'ns called "Perfect Angel," I was wondering how well she would pull it off. After listening to 'Zarah's sweet vocals crooning soothingly over Zo!'s soulful musical accompaniment, I'll say she pulled it off extremely well. Her vocals purely matched the feelings of true love in this song. Her gentle voice invites a playful vibe, but the song is not childish in any way. This song is definitely something I would buy from hearing that alone. This track is truly a great introduction of how the rest of the EP will turn out.

"Nights Over Egypt" (feat. Carlitta Durand)
Close your eyes. Imagine you're in a place where there's sand but no water. A place where there's no city lights (word to Nicolay!), but the atmosphere is luminous with moonlight. Streets and metropolises are long gone as they're replaced with pyramids and ancient monuments. This is what you'll get hearing "Nights Over Egypt" for four minutes and some seconds. You'll be out of your world and shift into somewhere that never changes, but becomes more precious as time passes. The smooth singing of Carlitta Durand freely floats around the song as if it's a spirit, but it is not haunting like a ghost. She sung this song like it belongs to her and there's nothing to complain about on this one, just relax and enjoy.

"Crazy You" (feat. Sy Smith)
Now, I said that I wouldn't say anything about the originals, but this one is an exception. If there's one rule on covering the works of Prince Rogers Nelson, it better be perfect! It's no secret that Prince is anal, in a good way, when recording his songs. I'm sure when Prince birthed "Crazy You," he made sure it was clean, crisp, and just right. Zo! exceeded that challenege by giving the song his own acoustic geetar and keyboard touch, while never taking the essential original vibe away from the song. Zo!'s D.C. sisteren Sy Smith is the perfect lady to pick for this song, not that 'Zarah or Carlitta wouldn't've to' it up, as well. Smith sang on the joint so beautiful, she gave the Prince joint new life, without mercilessly killing it. That's the last thing we need is a zombified Prince song, right?

"Holding You, Loving You"
Zo! proves that he can keep it thoro on his own as he let the keyboards do the sainging for him. Although the original contained vocals (So I broke the rules, sue me!), this song can be enjoy with or without vocals. I often catch myself riding in the car with this joint on blast. So overall, this joint is car-tested and eardrum-approved.

"My Flame" (feat. Phonte) 我太愛phonte啦!!!
This song is one of the reasons I clicked download faster than Quagmire can say "giggedy." Zo! really did his thing on this joint and Phonte doesn't fail on this one, either. Most young folks around my age would probably mistake this for that Biggie song, but they'll quickly learn how grown folk it is as soon as Tay sings. I like the hidden surprise at the end, too. That left me with a Kool-Aid smile, f'real.

"Somethin' Special" (feat. Yahzarah)
Here's one thing I like about Zo! Zo! doesn't only pick tunes we're really familiar with, but something that's been overlooked. A buried treasure that was found in the deep underground and it contains the most precious jewelery and gold that obtained more value than before. That's what I got when I heard Zo! & Yahzarah's rendition of The Dude's "Somethin' Special." Zo! polished the gold with his instruments and Yahzarah's vocals shaped the diamonds into a faceted gem. Not that you can tell that the original song has aged for almost 30 years, because it's so timeless. Zo! just made the song even more fresher (horrible grammar, I know) that it'll never need to be refrigerated. This song's cold, end of story.

"The Highways of my Life (Pts. 1 & 2)" (feat. Darien Brockington)
D-Brock, if you're reading this, I want to let you know that you the man in this track! Not many can pull off vocally traveling the same footprints Ronald Isley left in his path, because few did it successfully without getting lost. Brockington wasn't the lost dude, he took the ball and ran it all the way to touchdown with no defense team in sight. Zo! even took the classic song and turned it into his own on the "Part 2" version. Everything sounded different, but it still blended in with the original part one without sounding choppy. D-Brock and Zo! gets a 5 + 5 on this one.

Overall, ...just visiting too is something that should be in your collection. If you don't have any money, no need to worry about it 'cause it's for DE FREE! The EP's so good, I would get it if it's for DE FEE! Zo! earnestly learned every word for word and note for note of the songs he covered. He took the task very seriously, but still kept the music something you can dance, vibe, or chill out to. The guest singers on the EP took the mission devotedly, as well. They all brought their A game and it's definitely something I'm sure the original artists would be very proud of. Even the late Minnie Riperton is probably two-stepping to this at Soul Heaven right now, I know I would. Download this A.S.A.P!
Woody Black's
Grade:10 of 10 (A+)


星期五, 11月 06, 2009

捐鮮奶 獻愛心

超愛Janet!!! 最佳愛心公益代言人

大家一起來認購 http://www.creation-milk.com.tw/

***********迷 姐 又 瘋 了 **************
Janet is really......hot!!!




so hot


這是第幾次我不記得了,我們聊著她跟他怎麼認識、是什麼關係,是做什麼的。我們聊著目前的工作,為什麼來墾丁。我們聊著今晚的海產,我們聊著好多好多............就是這樣吧!墾丁沒有壓力的生活?! 七、八瓶台啤下肚,我好像有醉了,明天還要打掃等客人來。



tonight i got drunk in Kenting agin.

星期四, 11月 05, 2009

some chicano video

還有cali life style首張專輯Mexican Invasion中不可少的鐵漢柔情!爆好聽


看過MTV VMA 頒獎的應該都很喜歡這個橋段,非常喜歡alicia keys這個調調,看看她彈鋼琴自信的樣式 and the way she walks,有辣

New York!!!!
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
There's nothing you can’t do,
Now you're in New York!!
!These streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
Let's hear it for New York, New York, New York

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
Alicia Keys - Empire State of Mind (Part II) Broken Down
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorEconomy

星期三, 11月 04, 2009

[playboy 50週年御用DJ] dj shortee + dj annalyze

******* i do like them both *******
ladies and gentleman put your hands on dj annalzye

i'm shortee...yo're now rock with the beeee...eest girrrrrl

這一篇只是純粹的想念我很喜愛的二位女DJ,超強的scratch讓男人都拍手叫好,她們也是世界女二強!!!dj shortee偏電子, drum and bass, house... annalyze則是hip hop, party rock居多,近期則是跟ady sovereign巡迴御用DJ。二位都很有特色的在自己的mixtape intr放上嚇死人的scratch,讓你不得不嗨。好幾次,回家途中都有她們的音樂陪伴,會讓你有更多 energy & passion。 不嚕嗦,直接來聽你就知道為什麼dj annalyze 會說"don't cha wish your girl friend can cut like me'


dj shortee


all mixes collection

關於先前的dj shortee

dj annalyze


dj shortee + dj annalyze = twice as nice http://www.twiceasnicedjs.com/


she's cute here


星期一, 11月 02, 2009

chocolate + high = love

just another lovely song you can't deny.

Yeah yeah yeah yeahhhhOoooh, Ooooh (4x)
If we make each other happy, then we just can't lose

I don't mean to be decadent,
I might sound like a hedonist.
But the simplest way I can put it,You become a habit.
The more I consume, the more I gotta have it.
Ain't no such thing as too much.
If you gave me everything it'd never be enough yeah.
My black coffee with sugar no cream in the morning You're my super double caffeine dream yeah.

Your precious darkness got me so
strung out and lovin' the way that you got me so wide open, my babydoll.
Jonesin' and fienin' under my skinMy nerves are screamin' when you're not here.
See, baby, I need ya.Sugar, you're so delicious.

There is somethin' about your love that makes me just want to open up.
Your flavor is the sweetest thing in life.
I'm addicted to your chocolate high.
'Cause I want you, and I know that you want me.So,
let's stay close like we supposed to beAnd just get high off our own supply.
I'm addicted to your chocolate high.

I be trippin' in so many ways if
IGo a single day without a taste of your love,The finest cuisine of today's world.
Five stars you're just so gourmet

I crave you; I want you.Every cell in my body needs you,
My body needs you, tasty like,Hershey's and Nestle you're rich likeGodiva

Breakestra__dusk till dawn

經典團、必收. for the coming new album[Dusk Till Dawn], Music Man Miles made a mix 'BREAKESTRA HISTORY MIX" to celebrate.
1. Intro
2. Breakestra Suite #1 (DJ Azzurro & Kiyo)
3. Getcho Soul Togetha
4. Lil' Ol Money Maker
5. Funky Soul (Live In L.A., 2000)
6. Gettin' To It
7. Don't need a dance
8. See Sawng
9. Take my Time feat. Choklate
10. Family Rap feat. Dj Dusk (Z Trip Scratch Edit)
11. Show n' prove
12. A word for our sponsor

無料大放送! get it right免費下載(天團就是不怕賣不好)

好久沒那麼著迷美國影集,true blodd結束等第三季囉

我支持Bill, not Eric



Jason最愛的 (我喜歡他的肌肉)




HBO自製吸血鬼影集true blood第二季結束囉,第三季又要苦等。沒看過或錯過的朋友可以在Y拍買影碟觀賞。是不恐怖的吸血鬼!!

吼.....超愛 Sookie那超直的腿,很美。 Eric其實也滿帥,但誰叫他是壞人。還有,叫Jason的好像都飾演笨蛋比較多

然後,沒想到周邊商品是那樣迷人。我要人造血、梅洛酒吧啤酒杯、圍裙、還有好多的 t shirt.....最好是又要花那麼多錢啦!!

從來沒那麼期待原聲帶,第一季 & 第二季 都要收!!



Sookie set

關於之前的true blood

HBO每週三晚十一點播出Head Case雖然簡短二十分鐘也是很好看喔!很輕鬆、幽默

如果我要買這件t shirt 還要瘦五公斤吧


吼~~真的太正了啦!對 La La的喜愛大概只有小豪瞭...


如果你還不知道從myspace發跡的La La that pretty brown LA sound,就遜囉!!打從小豪一開始跟我介紹我就整個超愛,不只超正、歌聲棒還會自己寫歌。慢慢有知名度之後,即使正式專輯尚未發行,活動可是如火如荼的進行喔!

新官網只要sign up to be VIP就可以搶先免費下載 hey love (預訂收錄於第二張mixtape: La La land.....這一次我一樣要買然後要有簽名海報)

太多太多好歌要介紹,請自己來聽....the real latina R&B femal singer (and rapper)彈舌的西班牙文!

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