11月份的新專輯,Alicia Keys選擇Doesn't mean anything為首波主打歌!
"sound is very different -- it almost feels like you're flying. It takes you there. It has that piano, heavy-drum feeling. But the song touches you in this way. You dream of having all these things, you dream of going all these places. But what's the point of doing that, having that, if the one you want to be there isn't with you?"
"這首歌很不一樣!飛翔~~吧!帶領你去某個地方! 琴聲、重鼓敲擊,會跟你心深處共鳴!你會想到擁有的事物、去過的地方~~又或者,如果這些事物都沒有發生呢?"
這首歌的畫面讓我想起,all of the fame, people, and even money 什麼都不是,doesn't mean anything.
11月份的新專輯,Alicia Keys選擇Doesn't mean anything為首波主打歌!
"sound is very different -- it almost feels like you're flying. It takes you there. It has that piano, heavy-drum feeling. But the song touches you in this way. You dream of having all these things, you dream of going all these places. But what's the point of doing that, having that, if the one you want to be there isn't with you?"
"這首歌很不一樣!飛翔~~吧!帶領你去某個地方! 琴聲、重鼓敲擊,會跟你心深處共鳴!你會想到擁有的事物、去過的地方~~又或者,如果這些事物都沒有發生呢?"
這首歌的畫面讓我想起,all of the fame, people, and even money 什麼都不是,doesn't mean anything.
人生嘛? 究竟是為誰而活?!