星期六, 10月 31, 2009

funk, funk, funk, I do like FUNK

funk, soul, jazz hip hop, disco,.....all the black music.我好像都很喜歡,但是說句老實話只有funk那種free vibe 讓我熱血啊! 每每聽了都活了起來。喜歡funk的朋友趕快來跟我這位菜鳥當朋友

為您獻上還在感冒不敢亂出門,吃了藥身體軟趴趴但是聽了 這mixer會活起來的funk saturday quick mix. only 16 minutes! you can just repeat and repeat....

Dj Pharoah (from France) - Funky Saturday mix 點此下載

the track lists are not available now.sorry....


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