Little Brother出生的Phonte專攻jazz hip hop,負責專輯中大部分填詞以及主唱,特地壓低的嗓音很適合the foreign exchange,還有總是不忘出場時的this is it, yo很可愛。Nicolay則專精beatmaker, 走向涵括hip hop, soul, R&B, electronic。
總論是這是張大獲好評的jazz hip hop專輯,舒服的程度讓人久久無法忘懷。是張讓你可以每一首都想要repeat,聽到第一首會想按重新播放,聽到第二首又會跳到第一首開始,聽到第五首就覺得~~啊~~能聽到這樣的音樂真是太幸福啊!然後會拿著CD封面一直傻笑,巴不得有最好的音響可以播放出最好的音質。而其實歌曲連接方式倒很像mixtape,總是會在前一首歌尾巴聽到下一首歌的background sound,常錯亂到底是唱到第幾首。
發行: BBE 2004年6月
The Foreign Exchange--connected
Jazz rap/instrumental/ R&B/ soul (LP&CD)
助唱: Yahzarah, Critically Acclaimed, big pooh of little brother, oddissee, kenn starr, darien brockington and Joe Scudda

1. foreign exchange Title Theme – 2:28
2. Von Sees– 2:11
3. Raw Life– 4:48
4. Hustle, Hustle”– 3:39
5. Let’s Move”– 3:55
6. Nic’s Groove – 5:37
7. Be Alright” – 4:16
8. Sincere – 4:47
9. Brave New World – 4:58
10. The Answer – 4:39
11. Come Around”– 4:01
12. Happiness – 4:42
13. Foreign Exchange End Theme – 2:01
14. All That You Are – 4:33
15. Be Alright (Nicolay’s Easybreezy Sunday Afternoon Remix)– 3:04
16. Call – 2:45
17. Downtime (Nicky Troutman’s Bounce to the Ounce Remix)– 2:54
almost every song of this album is recommand. 每一首都可以當主打啦!個人最愛依序是come around, be alright, all that you are, foreign exchaange end theme...每一首都很愛。我很喜歡darien brockington 在litter brothe & the foreign exchange專輯中獻唱橋鍛,幾乎是固定班底。附有感情中低嗓音很舒服,大推~~
很棒的專輯,instrumental也要入荷。 如果你是剛認識the foreign exchange的新朋友,請打開耳朵讓connected溫暖你的心。 如果你跟我一樣是connected大愛好者,請讓我們自己永遠記得第一次聽到這張專輯時,心中那股因為音樂太美好而延生出的感動與激動。
The foreign exchange官網
Nicolay music
The Foreign Exchange imeem聽更多歌
幾篇不錯的review 都是英文 有興趣可以看看
Urban smarts
Okayplayer 有Phonte & Nicolay一小時訪談,值得聽
Soul bounce
當中有段說到"So says Wyclef: "I wear my sunglasses at night / to spy on my girlfriend, that's right / they dancin', romancin', freakin' at night / yes, yes, yes, a yes, yes y'all." And when you wear those glasses at night, make sure you listen to the sounds of Foreign Exchange. This is perfect night music. Not much worse during the day, but none the less perfect music to be played in gloomy lights. And you'll not have to 'spy on your girlfriend,' because she's right here with you, agreeing with the vibe, pouting her lips, sinking into your arms as much as into the music."
Wyclef說道: "我會在晚上戴太陽眼睛,偷窺我女朋友。對啦,她們晚上很瘋,會跳舞、撒嬌還亂叫"。當你戴上眼鏡時,請務必聽the foreign exchange, 絕對是晚上最好的菜。白天也不錯啦,但更適合微醺的夜晚,因為你根本也不用偷窺女友啦,她自己就會隨著音樂搖擺,嘟嘴然後躲進你的臂彎。
是女生也會很喜歡的hip hop專輯,rap有時候對女生來說太吵了. 1997年the roots的?uestlove 曾就說: 如果你想銷售量好,1. 那你要做女生也會喜歡的東西,因為她們會買。 2. 男生也會買,因為女朋友喜歡。 10年後的今天,這句話還是沒錯。connected就是符合這樣的風格,當時發行獲得很高評價
1. 那一陣子little brother & the foreign exchange是我的好朋友
2. 每次寫這種東西都越寫越懶,原本預計的內容都會慢慢減少。
3. 喜歡的朋友,請務必購買實體專輯。
4. this album brings us back to real hip hop.
06年開始進行的第二張專輯,經過二年的等待,終於在去年10月發行了,專輯名稱”leave it all behind”又叫LIAB。延續上一張的風格,但融入更多breakbeat以及更多變化的vocal,更加fusion. 目前官網有免費sampler供下載,整體來說還是好作品。請趕快搶購

a. Take Off The Blues
b. All Or Nothing
c. Something To Behold
d. If This Is Love
e. If She Breaks Your Heart
很開心的是,後來Nicolay所設獨立廠牌Nicolay Music也開始獨立發行the foreign exchange & Nicolay所有專輯。"LIAB"專輯現有買CD就送instrumental CD, sticker, poster活動,對喜愛the foreign exchange的朋友可說是一大福音,尤其有instrumental加持。訂購時很不好意思先跟Nicolay Music人員說我要簽名,對方說Nicoaly的沒問題,但要到Phonte的應該很難。不管啦~~CD入荷又有舒服instrumental version,期待期待!! 另外,黑膠則是多收錄二首歌。如果都可以,好想通通都收集!!!
tracklisting: 試聽

01. Daykeeper feat. Muhsinah
02. Take Off The Blues
03. All Or Nothing/Coming Home To You
04. I Wanna Know
05. House Of Cards
06. Sweeter Than You
07. Valediction
08. If She Breaks Your Heart
09. If This Is Love
10. Something To Behold
11. Leave It All Behind
第二張專輯沒有多做解釋是因為既然有第一張背書,而且參與藝人很多也都是之前有跨刀,幾乎是另一個the foreign exchange團體,有這樣強大陣容,能不聽嗎?!
1 則留言:
MSN: nicerobin@hotmail.com