例如: west side shit mix, old school classic mix, summer love mix.....等等主題。
1. 選歌: 歌曲是否我所愛 or 歌詞可以反應主題
2. 流暢度: 是否 cue對重要橋段,也就是掌握度必須十分飽滿且精確
3. 反覆聆聽度: 好的mixtape就如同精心製作的專輯一般,必須能讓聽者餘音繞樑。歌選對,流暢度恰好,也就是高潮不斷能讓mixtape持續下去,我覺得這是混音對我最大的意義。so, a nice mixtape means you'll play it again and again, over and over. Even it's old old......不管新東西舊東西,能讓聽者心甘情願的掏錢購買且能贏的歡心,這樣的好東西就是高反覆聆聽度
4. 氛圍: 這一項,也就幫流暢度跟反覆聆聽度打分。很噁心的覺得聽mixtape就像是品酒吧,能在入口那一剎那心中呼喊" 嗯~~真棒!" 那麼mixtape就完成目標了
5. 技術: 是要接的好? 還是混的好? 還是刷個夠? 這就看個人喜好囉,我不是DJ沒辦法解說
不管是dj/ producer/ artists 都常會有混音作品出現,有些或許加入商業行為 但更多的是免費開放給聽者下載,往往很多時候這些作品是驚人之作! 而網路之發達,讓我們無國界無時差的下載喜愛的作品,這對mixtape 有弊好的我真是一大福音。但何奈 too many records, too little time.....
更絕對說法是: 一張專輯囊括許多好歌!!
來自舊金山灣區dj King Most 是我喜愛的dj/ producer 之ㄧ。熟習hip hop, soul, funk, rare groove (看到這的朋友應該就清楚了吧)。也就因為地利之緣簽給同樣來自灣區的Kero One (Plug Music Label)合作了check the blue print, keep it alive.
為什麼喜歡King Most?
我想是因為他能掌握每首歌的精隨,歌選的好,任其搭配都能發揮微妙微翹! 而影響我最深就是這張Maximum Joy(最大歡樂!)。老中青三代精選soul,是張絕不會失望的作品!!

2.Chokolate "Waiting"
3.Hezekiah "Soul Music"
4.Alex Attias ft Colonel Red "Help Me" (Mitsu The Beats Remix)
5.Grean Tea "Wonderfull Beats"
6.King Most "Every Sunshine loves the Body"
7.As One "I love you"
8.The Saint featuring Tiombe Lockhart & Leron Thomas "All You'll Be"
9.Jazzy Jeff featuring V & Raheem: "Love of the Game"
10.J-Rawls featuring Eric Robberson "Pleasure before Pain"
11.Marvin Gaye "I Want You" (Platinum Pied Pipers Remix)
12.Foreign Exchange featuring Daren Brockington "Come Around"
13.Goapelle "Got It" (King Most Blend)
14.Richy Pitch featuring Maria Escoffrey "Don't You"
15.Raheem Devaugh "Where I Stand"
16.Dwele "I think I love You" (King Most Blend)
17.That Steve Khan Joint
18.Dexter Wansel "Sweatest Pain"
19.Dwight Twible "Try Love"
20.Donal Byrd "Close your eyes and look within"
21.Leryon Hutson "Love to hold you close"
22.Black Byrds "Dreaming about You"
23.Curtis Mayfield "We're a winner" (AYB Force Remix)
24.Twenty-Nine featuring Lenny White "Morning Sunrise"
全 曲 目 試 聽
King Most 也製作了很多混音歌曲,官網都可免費下載,請您務必點悦
King Most @ Plug Music Label http://www.pluglabel.com/artists/kingmost.htm
King Most @ official site http://kingmost.tumblr.com/
King Most @ myspace http://www.myspace.com/kingmost
最新作"FUNEMPLOYMENT" 也是您跳舞的首選喔!! 務必聆聽 & 收藏!
載點: http://www.divshare.com/direct/8581942-ce5.mp3去年推出的Genius Music Megamix 也頗推薦!
總而言之,King Most is my man!
